Zorica Stojadinović

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This paper explores the correlation between child trafficking and the media discourse on child trafficking. Child trafficking is one of the most widespread forms of organized crime where potential victims are children as a particularly vulnerable category of persons. Media are communication and information tools which play an important role in reporting about different events and phenomena and creating an image about them among the general public. The author of this paper analyzes 100 media reports published in the most widely read printed and electronic media in the Republic of Serbia in order to respond to several questions: a) whether the media in Serbia responsibly and ethically report on this important issue; b) whether they use their power and influence to exert an impact on the suppression, prevention, and raising awareness among the general public; and c) whether they are actively employed as a tool in the fight against child trafficking. The analysis includes quantitative and qualitative analysis of media texts, classified according to media genres, quantitative analysis based on the reported topics and reasons for reporting, and the countries which the media reports refer to, as well as a comparative quantitative analysis of media reports based on official statistical data about the methods of child exploitation, victims’ gender, and internal and foreign child trafficking. 


organized crime, human trafficking, child trafficking, exploitation, media, media reporting

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Legal Acts

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ISSN 1450-5517 (Print)
ISSN 2406-1786 (Online)