Neda Savić, Milica Stanković

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Social norms and social deviance, and their causal link with criminogenesis and civilization progress, are highly variable categories. One of the key problems concerning this subject matter is a difficulty in recognizing certain social deviations as such, including a lack of awareness that certain phenomena should not be categorized as social deviance at all. This paper first focuses on the concept of socially deviant types of behaviour and their etiology through the perspective of various schools of thought, particularly sociological and criminological ones. Then, it presents the typology of aberrant behavior as well as the causal link between different aberration types and criminogenesis and/or social progress. By exploring the representative socio-pathological issues, the authors give a critical review of individual aberration types, and provide an overview of the complex and comprehensive nature of this classification process. The ultimate result of this categorization is a relativistic element which characterizes aberration, progress and crime.


social deviance/aberration, deviation, morality, criminogenesis, progress

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ISSN 1450-5517 (Print)
ISSN 2406-1786 (Online)