Vidoje Spasić

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The development of modern technology has brought many benefits to its users but it has also seriously endangered individual privacy and raised numerous issues concerning the the protection of personal data. The common assumption that Internet users are largely anonymous in cyberspace is wrong because they leave a trail of all their online activities. Actively or passively, consciously or unconsciously, individuals leave certain personal data which can be either abused or used without the owner’s authorization. Thus, personal privacy can be seriously endangered. In this paper, the author provides an overview of the normative framework on online privacy in the European Union and in Serbia. The EU regulation concerning the protection of privacy in cyberspace is fairly satisfactory, and it is constantly updated in order to keep up with the latest technological developments. The Republic of Serbia has enacted a number of legislative acts regulating some segments of online privacy but the Serbian legislation in this area is generally more suitable for the analogue than for the digital environment, for which reason it has to be further amended and upgraded.


the Internet, personal data, online privacy, violation

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Serbian legislation

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ISSN 1450-5517 (Print)
ISSN 2406-1786 (Online)