Gurpreet Singh, Dhruv Bose, Arnab Chanda

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The prevalence of diabetes has been increasing worldwide, and this has resulted in a rise in diabetic foot ulcers. Several assistive devices, such as custom shoes, unloading orthoses, and insoles, have been developed to address these issues. A modular insole was developed to off-load the peak plantar pressures in diabetic patients. Plantar pressure values were measured using an indigenously fabricated pressure mapping insole integrated with high precision Force Sensitive Resistor (FSR) sensors. The performance of the modular insole was quantified quantitatively and qualitatively to assess its effectiveness. For the healthy participants, the results showed that the maximum average zonal pressure (AZP) was reduced by 97% from 122.39 ±3.62 kPa to 3.27 ±0.50 kPa during standing and by 98% from 195.71 ±3.19 kPa to 3.57 ±0.31 kPa during walking. Similarly, for the diabetic participants, AZP values were reduced by 96% from 67.92 ±12.45 kPa to 3.09 ±0.32 kPa for standing and by 97% from 130.96 ±4.27 kPa to 3.67 ±0.54 kPa for walking conditions, respectively. The results confirmed the effectiveness of the modular insole in off-loading the plantar pressure. The development of such devices holds great promise in improving the quality of life of diabetic patients and reducing the risk of complications such as diabetic ulceration.


Diabetic Foot, Modular Insole, Pressure Off-loading, Intervention

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