Nikola Danković, Zoran Perić, Dragan Antić, Aleksandar Jocić, Saša S. Nikolić, Igor Kocić

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The stability study of the differential pulse code modulation system with the special focus on a predictor is given in this paper. Moreover, sufficient stability conditions for a linear prediction (recursive) filter are derived. The corresponding mathematical inequalities for the commonly used second-order predictor are derived. A method off probability estimation for the predictor coefficients is given, both deterministic and stochastic. It allows the design of the differential pulse code modulation system with the linear predictor whose coefficients meet the technical requirements. Finally, the probability of stability values for the specific second-order predictor are computed and compared with the corresponding values of the Signal-to-Quantization Noise Ratio (SQNR). The correlation between these values is verified for different frame lengths. This could be crucial for the optimal choice of predictor coefficients. Useful conclusions are drawn regarding the stability and performances of the system.


Normal distribution, Probability density function, Differential pulse code modulation, Linear prediction, SQNR

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