Marina Ćirić

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The main goal of the research was to examine the relationship between socio-demographic characteristics (gender, economic status, parents’ education level) and student engagement. Character of engagement was shown through NSSE (National Survey of Student Engagement Indicators, 2018) and encompasses academic challenge (higher-order learning, reflective and integrative learning, learning strategies, quantitative reasoning), learning with peers (collaborative learning, discussions with diverse others), experiences with faculty (student-faculty interaction, effective teaching practices), campus environment (quality of interactions, supportive environment). Since this research was based on the NSSE conceptual framework, information about student attitude towards the quality of studying and personal engagement was collected through the adapted questionnaire. The research sample consisted of 515 students are studying at the University of Niš. The results indicate that engagement was more pronounced among female students, students of poorer economic status, and students whose parents had a lower level of education.


higher education, faculty, student characteristics, student engagement, NSSE indicators

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