Nikolina Kuruzovic

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Abstract: This paper is concerned with the characteristics of friendships. The main focus is on these characteristics: quality, length, stability and reciprocity. The study took place repeatedly within a period of four months. The sample consisted of 425 adolescent participants in first and 358 in the second part of the study. The adolescents were of both sexes, aged between 14 and 15. The quality of their friendships was assessed by a new self-report scale Friendship Quality Questionnaire, constructed in this research. This questionnaire is used to measure thoughts, feelings and specific behaviors about and towards a friend. Besides, two general questionnaires were used for collecting information about the participants and their friendships. The results show certain characteristics of friendships in adolescence. The dimensions of relationship quality (affection, intimacy, conflict and interaction) are evenly distributed. The connection between quality of friendship and duration was determined. In shorter friendships, the level of intimacy and conflict is higher. Also, friendships are very stable and the participants that keep their friendships have a higher level of intimacy and interaction. Those with shorter friendship change friends more. Girls have a higher level of all qualitative characteristic of friendships – affection, interaction, intimacy and conflict.

Key words: adolescence, friendship, Friendship Quality Questionnaire

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