Ildiko Erdei

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Television represented the transformative technology in the 20th century, and it has also served as a major social and cultural force for modernization after World War II, on both sides of the Iron Curtain. In socialist countries television was closely connected with future-oriented ideology, and aimed to provide the democratization of knowledge, promotion of socialist values and development of socialist citizenry. The beginning of TV broadcast in socialist Yugoslavia in 1958 gave way to the gradual development of TV culture during the sixties and seventies, the overall impact of which on the subjectivities and everyday lives of the viewers was undeniable. The aim of this paper is to briefly outline the context in which television culture in socialist Yugoslavia emerged and achieved momentum, pinpointing two periods: the penetration of TV into small places and villages during the sixties and the socio-cultural influence and ramifications of the broadcast of "Peyton Place" in the early seventies.


TV culture, Belgrade Television, viewing practices, "Peyton Place".

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"RTV Review" Magazine 1969-1972.



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