Andrea Marković, Aleksandra Aleksić Veljković, Mila Vukadinović Jurišić, Anja Obradović, Dušanka Đurović

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The aim of this study was to determine the relationship between body shape, the body mass index (BMI), eating disorders risks, and perfectionism in pubertal rhythmic gymnasts, and to assess the impact of investigated variables on the body shape satisfaction of those athletes. The study group included 40 female rhythmic gymnasts at the national level of competition aged 12.761±0.930 years. They reported an average training experience of 5.925±2.306 years, a total of 9.114±4.428 hours of practice a week, and the start of their sports career at 5.766±1.968 years. To assess their degree of dissatisfaction with their body image, the Body Shape Questionnaire (BSQ) was used. Additionally, the Eating Attitudes Test-26 (EAT-26) was used to assess disturbances in eating attitudes and behaviors, and the Sport Perfectionism Questionnaire was used to measure perfectionism in sports. The correlation between BSQ and EAT-26 is positive (.511), as well as Dieting .932. Interestingly, the correlation between the BSQ score and the result on the EAT-26 is higher than the correlation between BSQ and Perfectionism (.393). The stepwise multiple regression analysis showed that Perfectionism, BMI, Training hours per week, the Training experience, EAT-26, Age and Experience accounted for 64.2% of the variance of BSQ (adjusted R2=.642, p=.000). The results indicate that rhythmic gymnasts with higher BSQ scores are concerned about their appearance in sport, tend to use dieting or compensatory behavior, and score higher values on the subscale non-adaptive perfectionism. This puts them into at greater risk of developing eating disorders, and it is necessary to implement some form of prevention for these disorders as early as possible.


Body Shape Questionnaire, Eating Attitudes Test-26, Sport Perfectionism Questionnaire, Rhythmic gymnastics

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