Goran Šekeljić, Milovan Stamatović, Jovan Marković

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Abstract. A battery composed of 18 composite motor tests, which were assumed to be proper indicators of 9 hypothetical motor dimensions, was analyzed based on the hypothetical model of motor dimensions. The tests were applied on a sample of 220 girls aged ten. By using the factor analysis, the previous predictions of the existence of 9 factors which can generally be used for explaining motor space on the applied sample have not been confirmed because a certain number of variables do not saturate those basic vectors which were thought to determine the assumed motor structures. The results of this paper disaffirm the present validation of structural theories of motor skills and confirm the opinion that at this level of physical education research it is not possible to define the unique model of basic structures which could be used to explain the motor space of the entire human population. Considering the specificities of the sample (maturation, gender, the achieved level of motor skills, cognitive, conative and other characteristics of the sample), there is a great number of hypothetical models which can be used to explain the structure of motor space.

Key words: measuring instruments battery, basic vectors, motor skills.

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