Milovan Mitić, Ivana Parčina, Aleksandra Perović

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When we observe the entrepreneurial model of European football clubs, it is obvious that both in terms of ownership and in terms of the organizational structure, European model varies greatly compared to the entrepreneurial model in Serbia. The financial structure of European professional sports clubs is realized through income obtained from sponsors, donors, advertising, membership fees, tickets, TV rights, renting office space and their own business activities and expenses refer to the cost of the competition, training, salaries, contractual obligations, props, equipment and maintenance facilities. If clubs do not have strong sponsors and if they are unable to be commercially successful, it is obvious that they will not be able to cover their expenses and operate as a successful company. The financial structure of professional clubs in Serbia is realized mainly through donations, with the assistance of local governments and public companies, as well as through the sales of players. Taking this fact into account, we arrive at the conclusion that football clubs in Serbia do not meet the majority of requirements necessary for proper functioning, and that many organizational tasks are run contrary to the Regulations. The application of the entrepreneurial model of European football clubs would have a positive impact on the improvement of the organizational structure of football clubs in Serbia.


management, financial structure, entrepreneurial model

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