Siniša Stojanović, Danijela Zdravković

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This paper examines the achievement of educational standards in the field of physical education at the basic level regarding the importance of the evaluation of physical exercise. In order to check the importance of physical exercise, the scale from the Educational Standards has been applied to a total of 20 items that evaluate several things: opinions regarding physical exercise, interest or motivation for physical exercise, proving or self-actualization in the field of physical exercise and cooperation in the field of sports and physical exercise in general. The aforementioned instrument was applied to a sample of 454 seventh-grade students. Evaluation of physical exercise by students is seen in relation to the style of work of physical education teachers, the intensity of students’ sports activities outside school, academic achievement and gender. The results of the study show that the mean (average) value on the overall test is 83.17 of the maximum 100 points. Based on this, it can be concluded that the requirements from the Education Standards that at least 80% of the students positively evaluate physical exercise have been achieved. In addition to this, most students believe that their teachers use democratic work methods. The results of this study show that there are significant differences in the evaluation of physical exercise in relation to the extent and intensity of sports activities and of the teachers' style of work. The difference in mean values for the total test concerning the overall success and gender is not statistically significant.



Educational standards, importance, opinion, motivation, cooperation, proofing

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