Dragan Cvejic, Sergej Ostojić

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Evaluation of the effects of an eight-week innovative FITT program of Physical Education to Physical Activity (PA) and health-related fitness (HRF). In the experimental group (N=92), with FITT guidelines, the students have been “introduced” to the development of the HRF zone. There have been 16 classes for the development of the aerobic fitness and 8 classes for the development of muscular fitness. Flexibility has been developed in the final parts of each class. The csontrol group (N=86) attended traditional classes of the same volume. Before and after the intervention, the HRF components evaluation was performed with the battery of FITNESSGRAM tests and the PA by the pedometer OMRON HJ-320. Both groups showed a significant increase in the maximum consumption of oxygen and the number of depleted shares (PACER laps), with the simultaneous decrease in the PA level. The FITT program significantly contributed to the improvement of aerobic fitness, muscular fitness and partially flexibility. There was no difference between the group in the body composition and the PA level. FITT intervention is a promising school strategy for improving the aerobic and muscular fitness of students.


school intervention, physical education, third-grade students

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUPES1703437C


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