Marija Miletić, Hadži Saša Ilić, Miljan Jeremić, Milutin Parlić, Igor Ilić, Hadži Miloš Vidaković

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The aim of the research is to determine the effects of the arthistic gymnastics program on the Physical fitness of adolescents. The sample of participants consisted of 28 participants, males, aged 14 years ± 6 months, seventh grade of "Bubanjski Heroji" elementary school in Niš. The sample was divided into two subgroups. The experimental group (EG) consisted of 14 participants who, during the experimental period, realized the program of artistic gymnastics during the main phase of a physical education class, ten weeks in two classes of 45 minutes. The control group (CG) consisted of 14 participants who during the experimental period realized the program contents of regular physical education in the main phase of physical education. The sample of motorized measuring instruments consisted of three variables of explosive power (standing long jump, triple jump off the site and vertical jump) and three variants of sprint run (20m flat out with a flying start flat out with a flying start, 30m flat out with a flying start flat out with a flying start and 50m flat out with a flying start flat out with a flying start). The program "Statistica" 8.0 for Windows was used, for calculation of basic statistics, canonical discriminatory analysis and multivariate analysis of covariates. The results of the study showed that there are statistically significant effects of the use of the artistic gymnastics exercises in the main part of the physical education course on the Physical fitness of the adolescent of the EG at the end of the experimental period.


Artistic gymnastics, Teaching, Physical fitness, Adolescents

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