Miklós Koltai, Ádám Gusztafik, Katalin Nagyváradi, Bálint Szeiler, Szabolcs Halasi, Josip Lepeš

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The aim of this study is to determine body composition (BC) factors that influence agility among adolescent soccer players (N=66), in U14, U16, U18 soccer teams of the Topola Sport Club. Agility tests (Dribbling test, Illinois test), Inbody 720 instrument measuring the BC, and Oxa Starter infrared timing gate instrument measuring speed the agility were used. Data are processed by the IBM SPSS Statistics 25 software. In addition to descriptive statistics, a correlation matrix analysis, linear regression and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) were also applied (p<0.05). A moderate correlation between agility with a ball and without a ball (r=0.595) is determined as well as between agility and BC parameters: Skeletal Muscle Mass, Intracellular Water Mass, Protein Mass, Mineral Mass (r=-0.453, -0.454, -0.453, -0.417, respectively) while the correlation between agility and Height, Mass, Body Mass Index, Right Leg Lean Mass, Left Leg Lean Mass, Extracellular Water Mass is less than moderate (r=-0.318, -0.329, -0.276, -0.332, -0.330, -0.374, respectively). A slight correlation is determined between agility with a ball and BC variables. No correlation was determined between Agility and Body Fat Mass. The influence of BC on agility is lower than expected. Using the scientific based approach and measurements, a complex exercise plan can be made for players and in this way young soccer players can be trained by using tailor-made and post-specified coaching methods.


Agility, Adolescents, Soccer, Body Composition

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