Branislav Dragić, Emilija Petković, Ana Lilić, Marko Joksimović

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The aim of this research was to determine the difference in the level of physical activity (PA) in students of four faculties of the University of Niš whose curricula do not include physical education (PE) classes. The PA level was evaluated using a questionnaire for the self-evaluation of PA (IPAQ-long form). The research included students of the Faculty of Philosophy, Faculty of Economics, Faculty of Law and Faculty of Electronic Engineering of the University of Niš (n=109; age: 22±0.6 months). A significant difference was determined in the level of PA among the students of the University of Niš (p=0.000). However, differences in PA during leisure time have not been determined (p=0.109). One of the reasons is the active leisure time of the student population, which through sports activities compensates for the lack of PE classes at the faculties in question.


Students, Activity, IPAQ, Higher Education

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