Dragiša Stamenković, Ana Vesković

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During sports competitions athletes experience anxiety, frequently intense, which can affect performance and well-being. The first aim of this study was to test the predictive power of pre-performance expectations for intensity and direction of multidimensional components of state anxiety. The second aim was to test the predictive power of direct and interactive effects of intensity and direction of anxiety symptoms on performance. The sample consisted of female basketball athletes (N= 58) with an average age M=15.68±.99 and average sport experience M=5.85±2.23, during the final tournament. Within an hour before the match, they completed the CSAI-2, CSAI-2-d, three single items about performance expectations, and four single items addressing performance assessment. After the match, the players answered three single items aimed to assess performance. After the match the teams’ head coaches (n=5) also assessed individual player’s performance. The regression analysis revealed that Expectation of a good performance emerged as the only negative predictor of Intensity of cognitive anxiety, Intensity of somatic anxiety, and Positive Intensity and Direction interpretation of self-confidence. Only the Intensity of cognitive anxiety is a negative predictor of Satisfaction with performance. The obtained results suggest that dominance of Expectation of a good performance can be possibly viewed as a protective factor that has the potential to decrease anxiety and increase self-confidence and perceived self-confidence as more facilitative to performance. Other tested predictions of anxiety-performance measures are not significant. More studies are needed to investigate other potential antecedents and moderators of anxiety components. Also, further empirical development of performance measures and tests of anxiety-performance relationships would enhance comprehensive understanding of such complex relationships.


Performance, Pre-performance expectations, Post-performance measures, Intensity of state anxiety, Directional interpretation of anxiety

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