Zvezdan Savić, Nikola Stojanović, Nebojša Ranđelović, Nenad Stojiljković

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Abstract. The importance of, the need for and development of school sport over the past few years has been an important field of study by both professionals and research institutes alike in Serbia. This research represents only one of the many studies which were meant to offer certain answers. The sample of participants consisted of 329 schoolchildren, divided into two subsamples. The first subsample consisted of 176 elementary school children, while the other one consisted of 153 high school students, all from the Republic of Serbia. The data were collected using a questionnaire, consisting of twenty-four items – claims. The questionnaire was in the form of a five-point Likert scale. The responses were provided in the form of grades from 5 to 1. In order to process the data in this study we used the appropriate nonparametric statistics procedures: frequencies, percentages and the Mann – Whitney U test for determining the significance of the differences between the studied subsamples of schoolchildren. The analysis of the results indicated that there are significant differences in the case of individual claims between elementary and high schoolchildren, especially in terms of the development of school sport. It has also been determined that high school students had more positive attitudes, that is, had a more mature was of expressing themselves than the elementary school children.

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