Slađana Milošević, Vladan Petrović, Borislav Šukleta, Slavoljub Uzunović, Romina Herodek

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The bivouac program, implemented over three days, provided a dynamic and multifaceted educational experience. It aimed to foster a deep connection with nature, enhance spatial awareness, and promote physical, emotional, and social development among participants. Day one focused on geographical and topographical orientation, utilizing interactive games to teach navigation and environmental interaction. These activities were more than just practical lessons; they deepened the participants' understanding of their surroundings. Day two's activities revolved around family involvement and teamwork. The "Joyful Olympics" incorporated various engaging exercises like sack races and cooking contests. These were designed not only for enjoyment but also to instill values of teamwork, family bonding, and responsibility towards nature. The day emphasized the importance of maintaining active and healthy lifestyles in a community setting. The program culminated with an expedition into Jelašnička Gorge, offering a practical application of the learned skills in a natural environment. This day combined physical challenges with ecological education, reinforcing concepts of biodiversity and conservation. In the end, recognition of individual and group accomplishments highlighted the themes of perseverance, skill mastery, and the value of community achievements. The bivouac program effectively merged educational content with active, participatory learning. It demonstrated the significance of experiential outdoor education in developing comprehensive life skills. The program’s success in enhancing participants' connection to the environment and community, as well as  receiving positive feedback from all involved underlines its effectiveness as a model for contemporary education, catering to the holistic development of young individuals.


outdoor education, environment, physical activity, physical education

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