Marina Ćirić, Mirjana Pavićević, Nataša Ćirić

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Conflicts are present in every aspect of the child’s process of growing up– in school, family, with friends, and sports clubs. Nowadays, kids are often surrounded by peer violence which manifests in verbal, mental, and physical form. Attempts to solve such conflicts often result in making things even worse. The root cause of those issues is a different perspective on the problems at hand. The main goal of this research is to understand students’ perspective on conflicts they come across at school. We used descriptive statistics methods (frequency) and Х² tеst for measuring the significance of differences among crossed variable segments. Results of this research showed that the number of conflicts increases with age, meaning that there are more conflicts in higher grades. When it comes to solving these conflicts, students are prone to turning to teachers and professional associates at school, regardless of the fact that their parents show the desire to engage in solving peer conflicts.


social conflict, students’ perception, violent behavior, school environment, upbringing

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ISSN 2560 – 4600 (Print)
ISSN 2560 – 4619 (Online)