Danijela Zdravić-Mihailović

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The paper deals with the teacher’s role in music education of pupils in music high schools. Taking into account the nature of the subjects, their objectives and outcomes, as well as the modes of instruction, the paper examines the teacher – pupil relationship, and in line with the observations, examines the role of a teacher. What dominates in teaching an instrument or solo singing, which is individual and based on performing music, is partnership between teachers and pupils, but teachers’ motivational role and his role of an evaluator are also important. On the other hand, the role of a teacher in group teaching moves towards cognitive-diagnostic, and the role that becomes prominent is the role of a regulator of social relationships. It involves fostering of good interpersonal and collegial relations within the subjects based on collective performance, such as Choir, Orchestra or Chamber Music, because they are an important prerequisite for the quality of instruction. Aside from the specific teachers’ roles in the field of music education, the paper also points to some other important teachers’ roles in terms of their wider influence on pupils and social environment.


high music school, music education, teacher

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ISSN 2560 – 4600 (Print)
ISSN 2560 – 4619 (Online)