Petar Vranić, Lazar Z Velimirović, Ivana Petkovski

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Serbia, like many other countries, works to manage and protect water resources, promote sustainable practices, and improve infrastructure. However, there is no systematic advocacy for the implementation of sustainable stormwater management practices (SWM) in urban areas in Serbia. As highlighted by the Development Plan of the City of Niš For the Period 2021-2027, in the last decade the number of flash floods has increased, causing infrastructure and property damages. As a result, reducing the risk of flooding by external and internal waters is prioritized under the territorial development and environmental protection axis. As a contribution to the development of SWM practice, in this research, the prediction of the potential of runoff from roofs in the city of Niš, was performed using L-Moment and GIS. The research included 262 buildings in the city center and results indicate an increasing trend in average runoff from roofs across all sectors.


L-Moment, GIS, Decision Support, sustainable stormwater management practices

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