Momir Praščević, Darko Mihajlov, Petar Jovanović

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The third edition of the ISO 1996 series describes the methods for measuring and assessing environmental noise from different noise source types (road, rail and air traffic, and industrial plants). Additionally, these standards provide guidelines for assessing the uncertainty of short-term and long-term environmental noise measurements, considering the impact of various sources of uncertainty. The procedure described for assessing measurement uncertainty refers to the specific noise of individual noise sources (road, rail and air traffic, and industrial plants) and cannot be directly applied when considering the total noise contributed by multiple, diverse, near and far sources in each situation at a specific time, along with the corresponding measurement uncertainty. The limit values of the noise indicators specified by the Serbian regulations refer to the total noise, so it is necessary to determine the noise indicators for the total noise to assess environmental noise in each situation and at a given time. Although Serbian legislation does not require the use of measurement uncertainty in environmental noise assessments, the uncertainty must be determined and reported in the measurement report according to the requirements of the third edition of the ISO 1996 series. This paper aims to provide a detailed procedure for assessing the uncertainty of total environmental noise measurements for individual noise in the context of Serbian legislation and the third edition of the ISO 1996 series. The presented procedure can also be applied in other countries where noise limit values refer to total noise.


environmental noise measurement, short-term measurement, measurement uncertainty

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ISSN   0354-804X (Print)

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