Ana Tasić

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Concentrations of tropospheric pollutants such as SO2, NO2, CO, O3, PM10, in the wintertime in 2011, in Belgrade urban area, municipality Stari grad are presented in this paper. Their daily and weekly variations have been analyzed. Traffic and nearby heating plant “Dunav”, were identified as the main sources of these pollutants at the location, thus their variations are under the influence of rush-hours traffic cycles and the activity of the heating plant. The transgression of the one hour-, eight hours- and a daily- limits imposed by the law have been identified and particularly singled out the transgression of Serbian Air Quality Index (SAQI_11) limits. Correlations of the air pollutants and relevant meteorological parameters have been determined. The purpose of this research is to provide information about concentrations of pollutants and their trends in Belgrade urban area in the wintertime and to analyze influence of meteorological parameters on their constancy.


air pollution, urban area, limits, meteorological parameters, correlation

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ISSN   0354-804X (Print)

ISSN   2406-0534 (Online)