Saša Milanović, Miloš Jovanović, Živan Spasić, Boban Nikolić

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The paper presents a numerical simulation of a two-phase turbulent flow in pneumatic transport through straight horizontal channels with a square cross-section. The transport of solid particles of ash and flour is taken as the two-phase flow, while air is chosen for the transporting fluid. The motion of solid particles occurs due to the aerodynamic forces of the transporting fluid. The paper considers the motion of solid particles by taking into account the influence of vertical forces, which act on the transported solid particles. In flow modelling, the transported solid particles are reduced to spherical shapes. The stress model of turbulence is corrected by taking into account the influence of the induction of secondary flows of the second kind in the gas phase. The full Reynolds stress model is used to model the turbulence, with the application of the complete model for turbulent stresses and turbulent temperature fluxes. The paper presents the results of the numerical grid with the highest resolution above which the increase of the mesh density does not affect the obtained results. The diagrams of the positions of the transported solid particles are provided for cross-sections normal and parallel to the flow direction.


pneumatic transport, solid particles, two-phase flow, secondary flow.

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