Slaven Stevanovic

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The basic truths of architecture have been forgotten. This paper searches for the solution in the knowledge of metaphysical settings of architecture. More precisely, the metaphysical aspects of ontology, gnoseology, axiology and methodology; which together represent the basic criteria of a scientific paradigm. The initial question must be gnoseological, i.e. - what is the raison d’être of architecture? The analysis leads to an assumption that without knowing the metaphysics of man there can be no knowledge of the metaphysics of architecture; that is, a conclusion can be drawn that the problem of metaphysic of man in architecture has not been posed. Therefore, man must be the main issue of architecture, as well as of this paper. Given that the problem of knowledge in general sense, and therefore of man, is also of theological and philosophical nature, in this paper, the problem of man is understood as a gnoseological choice; namely: the choice between man as man-god (man is the source of knowledge) and man as god-man (God is the source of knowledge). Respectively, there is a choice between historical antipodes, the paradigm of anthropo-theocentrism and the paradigm of theo-anthropocentrism. In this paper, I argue that the issue of god-man and the paradigm of Orthodox theo-anthropocentrism, as interpreted by Justin Popović, is potentially the most comprehensive solution to the problem of raison d’être of man, and architecture that he creates. Discussion and analysis have established that, in this pattern, man is seen as a holistic, spiritual and physical entity, whose primary need to be met and his raison d’être – is deification. Thereby, architecture of orthodox theo-anthropocentrism acquires not only a physical, but also a spiritual, and thus, a holistic dimension. It may represent a symbolic means (through sensory and primarily visual representation) of man’s ascension to God. Theo-anthropocentric paradigm solves the metaphysical foundations and potentially forms more holistically organized architecture that meets the equally holistic, spiritual and physical, needs of man. Its material manifestation is determined by only one criterion – deification.


Architecture, Raison d'être, Man, Theo-anthropocentrism, East Orthodox Christian, Justin Popovi

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ISSN 0354-4605 (Print)
ISSN 2406-0860 (Online)
COBISS.SR-ID 98807559