Raj Kumar Guntuku, Shravan Boini, Kaustav Mukherjee, Ravi Shankara Kummeta

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Earlier research proved that organizational productivity depends on the implementation of HR practices.  Companies grow high by adopting high-performance-oriented practices. The purpose of this study is to see how the employer-employee relationship affected employee engagement and task performance in food processing plants in Hyderabad. One of the most common HR practices is the employer-employee relationship, which is crucial in determining the employee level of engagement. Task performance refers to an employee's capacity to get things done, and it is backed up by the employer-employee relationship. To measure the influence of the employer-employee relationship on staff engagement and task performance, the researcher performed a study in two food processing plants in Hyderabad, India. To investigate the association between the dependent variables “employee engagement” and “task performance” and the independent variable “employer-employee relationship”, hypotheses were constructed. A questionnaire was circulated to respondents as a research instrument, and information was  collected from a sample of 100 people. It is inferred that the employer-employee relationship is significantly connected with employee engagement and negatively correlated with task performance. Gender is linked with all three variables and also with the profile factors. Employee engagement is connected to age, whereas task performance is negatively related to the employer-employee relationship. Statistical tools such as descriptive statistics, correlation, and ANOVA tests were used.


employer-employee relationship, employee engagement, task performance

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUEO220113009G


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