Darko Dragi Dimitrovski, Veljko Radosav Marinkovic, Vladimir Radoslav Senic

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Tourism is one of the main driving forces of economic development in modern era, offering new opportunities for employment, increase in living standard and improvement of quality of life in the cities. Over time, tourism has had influence on urban environment and its inhabitants, through reshaping their initial attitudes regarding benefits and deficiencies of its further development. Urban population is not homogeneous and as such is not uniform in perception related to tourism development, but some general conclusions can be drawn. This study aims to understand perception of residents about tourism development in city of Kragujevac, given that city authorities are keen to extend number of tourist visits and overnight stays within their tourism campaign efforts. The objective is to identify key factors related to the significance of tourism development based on attitudes of inhabitants of Kragujevac, as well as to determine whether there are differences in attitudes based on age and place of birth of the respondents. Through factor analysis seven factors surfaced, including: economic development, healthy and clean environment, development of local communities, sport and entertainment, preservation of environment, culture and real-estate. Results suggest that there is statistical difference in attitudes among respondents’ in terms of their age and place of birth.

Key words: Attitudes, tourism development, urban residents, city of Kragujevac. 


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