Miodrag Simović, Marina M. Simović, Vladimir M. Simović

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Illegal evidence term in the criminal proceedings arises many theoretical deliberations and disputes and is one of mail problems of modern law of evidence. The complexity of the problem is one of the most difficult issues of criminal procedural law. The issue is about a complex criminal procedural term which is constantly and slowly evolving and developing due to legal interventions, but primarely due to its practical value.

When having look at the situation with comparative law, one may see that the majority of legal systems does not use absolute exclusion of illegal evidence in the criminal proceedings. Just the opposite, such a model is subject to criticism due to numerous lacks and negative consequences. Only rare systems using the absolute way of selecting of illegal evidence do not have a wide scale of rules and apply various exceptions. When analysing comparative law analysis confirms that it is necessary to focus not only on existence of rules but also to the scale of exclusion.

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ISSN 2406-1786 (Online)