Borko Milošević

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In terms of the dynamic of the international economic environment, economic organized crime has become a threat to national and international security. Political power acquired through illegal accumulation of economic power is rapidly expanding across all spheres of society. Money laundering and terrorist financing are global problems which have harmful effects on national economic, political, security and social structures. Terrorism cannot survive without financial means, which are very important for the terrorist organization. Therefore, the successful fight against terrorism and terrorist financing rests on adequate understanding of the concepts of money laundering and terrorism, and their interrelationships. In this paper, the author identifies money laundering as one of the main forms of economic crime. Using descriptive and historical method, an attempt was made to explain the scientific concept of money laundering and its importance to society and the state. In addition, the author explained the concept of terrorism and its financing and tried to find common characteristics of these seemingly incompatible phenomena, in order to emphasize the dangers of harmful consequences that could arise from inadequate opposition by the state and society.


money laundering, terrorism, financing terrorism, “Hawala“ system

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ISSN 1450-5517 (Print)
ISSN 2406-1786 (Online)