Biljana Radovanović

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This paper looks into the literary forms of expressing philosophemes. Starting from the difference between scientific and literary forms of presenting philosophical ideas, we focus on discussing various literary forms that are present in philosophy. Philosophical works of poetry, prose, and drama are differentiated and considered, beginning with antiquity up to contemporary philosophy. Within this topic, we analyse the fundamental thematic orientation of representatives of the Enlightenment and existentialist philosophy, as well as the relationship between form and content in their works. The objective of this paper is to emphasize and expound on the thesis about the close correlation between literary forms and certain philosophical content, especially the correlation between literature and the philosophy of existentialism. The conclusion reached in the end is that literary works can be interpreted philosophically, but above all, that philosophical texts can be shaped in a literary fashion. Furthermore, it transpires that, in one historical period, philosophy adopts some literary forms, and in another period, it borrows certain forms from literature.Key words: philosophy, literature, novel, essay, dialogue, poem.



philosophy, literature, novel, essay, dialogue, poem

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ISSN 0354-4702 (Print)

ISSN 2406-0518 (Online)