Panagiotis Asimopoulos

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Undoubtedly the constructive, dialectical relation of the literary works reflects the significant and diachronic people’s need to be orientated towards revived cells of the archetypal core, but also to the actualized motives related to their mythic foundation. This universal ascertainment is verified by the fact that famous and gifted creators adopt the unparalleled spirituality and the profound messages that spontaneously spring from selected verses of classic Greek tragedies. In a perfect connection with intellectually enlightened Sophocle Andre Gide, perspicacious Proteus of the French dramaturgy and Yannis Ritsos, the revolotionary figure of the Modern Greek poetry deal with Philoctetes, the legendary archer: Thus the puritanical nuance of bourgeois arrogance and the unrestrained, youthful impulsiveness are bridged at Gide’s “Philoctetes” (1898). At the same time the anti-conventional, hedonistic poet’s gens are harmonized ideally with the standards of the traditional literature. Analogously at the homonymous poem of the awarded collection “The Fourth Dimension” (1963-1965), at this non-marxist inspiration Yannis Ritsos released from political beliefs approaches the existentialistic balance of the conscious choice between the active, social responsibility and the subjugated art.


Philoctetes, Sophocles, Gide, Ritsos

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