Danijela Kostadinović

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Starting from the theoretical settings of folklore study, history of religion, anthropology and psychoanalysis, this paper studies the elements of animistic beliefs in the prose of the Macedonian writer Živko Čingo. The research material consists of the short stories “Духови в куќи”, “Вљубениот дух”, “Лудите роднини во борба со прекобното пиле” and “Пеперуга со златна прав”. The aim of this paper is to confirm that these stories establish a link with animism and the belief in the existence of soul in all animate and inanimate entities and phenomena in nature, and the belief that the soul continues to live after death.


Macedonian literature, Živko Čingo, animism, spirit, soul, life

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ISSN 0354-4702 (Print)

ISSN 2406-0518 (Online)