Vladimir Figar, Mladen Popović, Dušan Stamenković

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The paper aims to provide an overview of the development and changes in the courses at the Department of English in Niš, at the BA and MA level, as well as at the PhD level (in philology, Faculty of Philosophy, Niš), related to different linguistic approaches to the study of meaning (construction) and human cognition. These courses included in the curricula were initially influenced by the ideas stemming from the philosophy of mind and cognitive linguistics, and later by psycholinguistic research. We begin the paper with the general overview of the courses and we emphasize the main contributions to their development. Then we address in more detail some of the most important theoretical concepts which include the following: meaning construction, categorization, context, and a general overview of the main ideas in cognitive linguistics and psycholinguistics. We also stress the benefits of such a comprehensive approach for the students, and the thereby presented possibilities for further investigation.  


cognitive linguistics, psycholinguistics, philosophy of mind, semantics, English language curricula

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