Lela Milošević Radulović, Mario Cekić

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The focus of the paper are the possible effects of public discourse in our country during the COVID-19 pandemic, especially during the state of emergency, when care for the elderly was constantly being emphasized, along with responsibility for their lives. The paper is based on the results of several existing studies on the experiences the elderly had during the state of emergency in our country, when many of their rights were denied, and when the COVID-19 pandemic was presented as solely a “problem of the elderly”, which is why the elderly were presented as a homogenous group in the public discourse, that is, as vulnerable and powerless members of society. The aim of the paper is to view the risks of such a representation, and to indicate the need for and importance of discourse which emphasizes the heterogeneity of the elderly, and the need for synchronized activities from various institutions and organization, as well as collective and individual actors, with the aim of developing inter-generational solidarity. The conclusion is that it is important to refrain from generalizations based on age, so that any incorrect perceptions of the elderly could be altered, and thus a contribution made to the fight against ageism.


the elderly, young people, inter-generational solidarity, discrimination, the COVID-19 pandemic

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