The main aim of this study was to determine whether the domains of quality of life can be predicted by the dimensions of body esteem (appearance, weight, attribution) and self-esteem (performance, social) in emerging adults. The Body Esteem Scale, The State Self-Esteem Scale and World Health Organization Quality of Life – Brief were applied. The sample consisted of 155 emerging adults - psychology students (133 females), aged 19 to 29 years (M=21.05, SD=2.05). The percentage of variance of the criterion variables (domains of quality of life) explained by predictor models ranges from 21.3 % for the environment to 58.6% for psychological health. The dimension of body esteem appearance is a statistically significant predictor of all domains of quality of life with positive β coefficients. Another significant predictor for domains of physical and psychological health is the dimension of self-esteem performance. In line with previous findings, the results of this study showed that the higher the self-esteem and the less the concern/dissatisfaction of individuals with their own body, the better the quality of life of these individuals.
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