Miloš Paunović, Saša Veličković, Saša Milenković, Tomislav Okičić, Marko Đurović, Bojan Jorgić

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This study has two aims, to determine the possible existence of spinal deformities in young gymnasts, and then to determine whether there are differences in the prevalence of spinal deformities in relation to their age and training experience. A total of 87 participants were included in the study, as competitors in the International tournament “Laza Krstić and Marica Dželatović” held in Novi Sad. According to age (8-10; 11-12; 13-14; 15-17), the participants were divided into 4 categories (subsamples). The “Spinal Mouse” was used to determine postural status at training, one day before competition. For each applied variable (kyphosis, lordosis, and scoliosis), the basic descriptive statistics parameters were calculated, while in order to determine the differences between the groups, the Mann–Whitney U test was applied. No statistically significant differences were determined between the groups in terms of almost all the deformities, which can be justified by the approximately equal prevalence of deformities at all ages. Out of the total number of participants, as many as 69% (60 gymnasts) have deviations from the normal values of spinal column curves. The results also indicate that the trend of potential deformities first increases at approximately 11 and 12 years of age (when puberty begins) and only at this transition were statistically significant differences found (only in the case of scoliosis). The results should promote a much more serious approach to the training process of young gymnasts, which should be reflected in regular-periodic control of the spinal column with modern measuring instruments.


artistic gymnastics, children, adolescents, spinal column, Spinal Mouse

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUPES211213006P


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