Ashrf Nouri Abohllala, Nataša Branković, Nebojša Trajković, Nenad Stojiljković, Stevan Stamenković, Sreten Marković, Suzana Branković, Uroš Nikolić

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Body composition is a fitness component closely associated with health and the efficiency of sports performance, making it an integral aspect of research in sports medicine sciences. Implementing appropriate training programs results in suitable physiological adaptations and a notable enhancement in body composition. This study determined the effectiveness of a 10-week body core training conducted on а Pilates ball on the body composition of adolescent non-athletes. The sample of 48 respondents was randomly divided into an experimental (n=24) and a control group (n=24.) The experimental group performed the ball Pilates program twice a week during regular physical education classes, while the control group carried out a standard physical and health education program. The experimental program consisted of balanced sitting exercises, stabilization endurance exercises, and dynamic exercises on a Pilates ball to strengthen the trunk stabilizer muscles. Before the beginning and at the end of the experimental period, the absolute and relative values of the body fat mass and the absolute values of the skeletal muscle mass were measured in both groups of participants. Statistically significant improvements and moderate effects were determined in all body composition parameters within the experimental group when the final measurements were compared to the initial ones. In the control group of respondents, improvements were only numerical and did not reach statistical significance. At the final measurement, statistically significant differences and moderate effects of the experimental treatment in skeletal muscle and body fat mass were determined. The findings of the study confirm the effectiveness of core body training on a Pilates ball in enhancing the body composition of adolescent non-athletes.


effects, adolescents, lean body mass, fat body mass, core stability, Pilates ball

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