Slobodanka Dobrijević, Lidija Moskovljević, Milinko Dabović

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The aim of this study is to investigate the influence proprioceptive training has on the development of the balance ability in young rhythmic gymnasts. This study was conducted on a sample of 60 healthy girls, aged 7-8, who practice rhythmic gymnastics. The whole sample was divided into two groups: an experimental (33 girls) and control (27 girls) one. The experimental group was engaged in proprioceptive training before regular rhythmic gymnastics training sessions  for a period of 12 weeks (24 training sessions), while the control group was engaged in only regular rhythmic gymnastics training. Based on earlier research, it was assumed that proprioceptive training will improve the balance ability in rhythmic gymnasts. To estimate the effects of this method of training, balance ability was assessed by 6 balance tests. All of the participants were tested before the commencing of the experiment and subsequently after 12 weeks of applying experimental treatment. To determine the differences in the results from the initial measuring and the final measuring, the t-test for dependent samples was used and the t-test for independent samples was used to determine the difference between groups at the initial and also at the final measuring. It was concluded that proprioceptive training can significantly improve the ability of rhythmic gymnasts aged 7-8 to maintain balance.


Proprioception, static balance, rhythmic gymnastics.

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