Mara Kerić, Romana Romanov, Darjan Ujsasi, Franja Fratrić, Predrag Branković

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The study included 50 participants of the preschool age, (Males=25; Age=6.21±0.44SD and Females=25; Age=6.49± 0.65SD) from Novi Sad with the aim of determining the existence of differences in the area of morphology. In accordance with the aim of the research, the measuring of morphological characteristics (body height, body mass, medium thorax circumference, stretched forearm circumference, stretched upper arm circumference) was conducted. By applying a multivariate analysis of variance it was determined that there were statistically significant differences (p = 0.00) in the morphological space. The individual analysis ascertained the differences for Medium thorax circumference, Medium forearm circumference and Medium upper arm circumference in favour of the boys. The differences in these variables caused by sexual dimorphism are statistically significant.


preschool age, boys, girls, volume and mass of the body, longitudinality, differences

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