Milovan Stamatović, Goran Šekeljić, Jovan Marković

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The aim of this study has been to determine to what extent an alternative program of physical education for junior primary schoolchildren, with curricular programs of dance and gymnastics, for a duration of six months, can replace the existing curriculum and contribute to achieving the required objectives and tasks of teaching physical education at this age. The program included 214 third grade primary school children divided into an experimental group of 105 schoolchildren (body height 141.09 ± 6.40 cm and body weight 34.64 ± 7.60 kg), that took part in the alternative program and a control group of 109 schoolchildren (body height 141.91 ± 6.35 cm and body weight 34.24 ± 6.43 kg), that participated in the regular program of physical education. The motor skills variables were assessed by means of the following instruments: balance; segmentary speed; flexibility; explosive power; static strength of the arms; repetitive power; static force of arms and shoulders - muscular endurance; sprint speed and agility. The results of the ANCOVA method in balance, segmentary speed, flexibility, explosive power, static strength, repetitive power and sprint speed between the experimental and control groups at the final measure, with the neutralization and fragmentation in results in the initial measurement showed that there were no statistically significant differences between the groups in the final measurement. Despite the positive effects, the overall results of the research, as well as very positive reactions and impressions of the schoolchildren, we consider that there is a possibility of its application in practice.


PE class teaching, оrganization and outcomes of PE class teaching, alternative program, regular program, effects

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