Vladimir Otmar Hedrih

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The goal of the study was to examine the characteristics of vocational interests of people who practise sports recreationally, as operationalized by the spherical model of vocational interests proposed by Tracey and Holland’s RIASEC model. For the abovementioned purpose, the vocational interests of a sample of 295 respondents who stated that their leisure activities included sport were compared with the vocational interests of 769 respondents whose leisure activities did not include sports. The participants in the study completed the Serbian version of the Personal Globe Inventory (PGI, Tracey, 2002, Serbian version, Hedrih, 2008). The results show that level of fit of the spherical model of interest of our data is similar to the level found in other samples in Serbia, and other countries. Average scores of the two groups differed on a number of vocational interests type measures, and these differences were low. When gender was taken into account, some statistically significant differences were found in the male subsample, while there were no differences in the female subsample. The results show that recreational practice of sports in general is not related to vocational interests, although the selection of a particular sport activity may be.



Vladimir Otmar Hedrih1, Milica Ristić2, Kristina Ranđelović3

1Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš, Serbia

2Pedagogical faculty in Vranje, University of Niš, Serbia

3Department of Psychology, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš, Serbia


The Editor-in-Chief has been informed that in the article ‘Vocational Interests Of Recreational Athletes’, FACTA UNIVERSITATIS, Series Physical Education and Sport Vol. 15, No 1, 2017, pp. 37-48, DOI: 10.22190/FUPES1701037H, co-author’s names - Milica Ristić, Kristina Ranđelović - have been omitted. After further discussion with the corresponding author, the Editor-in-Chief has decided to publish a corrigendum for this article.

Link to the corrected article - DOI: 10.22190/FUPES1702435E 


Vocational interests, spherical model, recreational athletes, Serbia.

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