Milan Ignjatović, Daniel Stanković, Saša Pantelić, Miloš Puletić

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The aim of this paper was to determine the influence of certain anthropometric parameters on the results in lead climbing among female (N=15) and male (N=15) senior level climbers in 10 clubs from Serbia. To evaluate the anthropometric parameters the following measurements were taken: body height, arm length, leg length, hand length, hand span and arm span. The results in lead climbing were represented by the highest difficulty grade of a climb achieved during testing. A regression analysis was used to confirm that there was no statistically significant influence of the anthropometric parameters on the results in lead climbing among male and female climbers at the multivariate level, as well as on all the applied variables among the female climbers at the univariate level. However, the significance of individual regression coefficients of the variables of body height, hand length, hand span and arm span indicate that during selection of young competitors it would be worthwhile to take these anthropometric parameters into consideration (smaller body height and hand length, and a wider hand span and arm span). In addition, research is needed into whether there are any significant relations between the parameters of hand length and hand span and the strength of the hand grip and relative strength of the hand grip among sport climbers.


anthropometric parameters, lead climbing

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