Nebojša Randjelović, Irena Stanišić, Branislav Dragić, Danica Piršl, Zvezdan Savić

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In order to successfully master the initial writing process that a child faces at school, it is necessary to develop fine motor coordination of the arm, hand and finger muscles. The aim of this paper is to provide the child with perceptual - motor activities, movement games as well as other physical activities that require precise movements and coordination between the two hands and arms and eyes to release the hand, hand and fingers, prepare the child for fine motor coordination and encourage initial writing. The sequence of procedures in the development of fine motor coordination as well as physical activities contributing to the development of: muscle tone, lateralization, movements of the hand and fingers, sensory observation, orientation in time and space, abilities and skills of ocular evaluation, feeling for rhythm and fine motor - visual guidance, willing control and coordination between the movement of the hand, hand and fingers, both hands and arms and eyes. The above physical activities and movement games can be used at all stages of educational work for expanding and determining children's motor skills within guided and free activities, movement games, morning physical exercise, outdoor and indoor playgrounds. Theoretical analysis of movement games and physical activities is an attempt to determine fine motor skills (preparation for initial writing) as a product-outcome, as a product of the mentioned organized activities that can provide them with specific and varied experiences, and help to develop motor and other abilities that will encourage children to write.


Fine motor skills, physical activity, movement games, preparing children for writing, eye coordination

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