Nataša Arsović, Radmila Đurović, Rada Rakočević

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The purpose of this narrative review is to investigate evidence for physical and sports activity affecting mental health. Knowledge about preemptive and treatment effects on achieving and maintaining an average level of physical abilities is considered nowadays to be a significant achievement of modern science. This knowledge has influenced the creation of various programs for the improvement of the holistic wealth of an individual. The accent is on the investigation of psychological benefits of exercising both in terms of prevention, and in treatment of stress, depression and anxiety. It is necessary to establish a parallel between the positive and negative influences of sports activity on mental health, and use of the individual approach in the way, attitude, motive, intensity and scope of recreational/sport activity. Regarding professional athletes, harmonization of physical and psychological preparation with adequate professional supervision is of great importance. Coordinated physical and psychological preparations can act positively on the attainment and achievement of goals, but also on the preservation and maintenance of mental health.


Mental Health, Physical Activity, Sports Activity, Well Being

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