Yannis Georgiou, Aggeliki Fotiou

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The aim of the present study was to investigate the attitudes of self-oriented heterosexual students of the Department of Physical Education and Sports Science towards male and female homosexuality, in combination with the level of religiosity they display. The religiosity factor was evaluated based on the frequency of visits paid to temples to perform religious duties. Concerning their attitudes, the scale used was the Greek version of Attitudes Towards Lesbians and Gay Men (ATLG) with two factors, for male and female homosexuality respectively. The sample consisted of 552 self-oriented heterosexual students. The independent variables used were related to gender, age, and religiosity. From the analysis of the results, it was found that the factor of religiosity has a decisive influence on the formation of heterosexual students' attitudes towards both male and female homosexuality. It is further suggested to investigate the factor in combination with other variables.


Religion, Homonegativity, Sports

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