Dusan Sladjan Nikolic, Miodrag Radomir Kocic, Dragana Ivan Beric, Nemanja Tugomir Cvetkovic, Aleksandra Slavoljub Krzalic

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Knowledge of motor skills in young schoolchildren is directly related to the effects of physical education and the development of certain motor skills. During the younger school age, the dynamics of the development change is slower when compared to the development of preschoolers. The general mobility factor which, according to most authors, exists during the pre-school age begins to vary during the first few years of elementary school, and this is precisely the period in which children quickly develop their motor skills. The aim of this study is to determine the differences in the motor abilities of students in urban and rural areas. The sample in this study consisted of fourth-grade elementary school students (N = 120) in the municipality of Vranje. The data processing was carried out with the help of the T-test and X2 test.  What was tested was the explosive strength, speed of movement frequency, repetitive strength of the trunk and flexibility. Each test of motor ability is covered with at least three variables, and in any case, it did not happen that one group had better results in all three variables that are used for the estimation of some motor skills. Students from urban areas showed significantly better results in explosive strength of the upper limbs (MBCM) and the flexibility of the lower extremities (MDPR and MPRS). Students from rural areas showed significantly better results in speed-frequency movements of the arms and legs (MKRR and MKRN) and the repetitive strength of the trunk (MPNL and MZTL). The number of schoolchildren from urban areas who participate in sports is not significantly different from the number of schoolchildren from rural areas who are involved in sports. The difference that occurs in some variables of motor skills is most likely a consequence of specific training in the context of some field of sport, the quality of training in the field, genetics and physical activity during leisure time.

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