Miroljub Zivorad Ivanovic, Srdjan Milan Milosavljevic, Ugljesa Miroljub Ivanovic

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The goal of this study was to identify the factorial structure and the relation of aggressiveness and basic personality dimensions, as well as metric characteristics (reliability) of the applied scales and subscales. The study was conducted on a sample (N = 287) consisting of both genders, aged between 14-16 years. The following measuring instruments were used:  Buss-Perry Aggression Questionnaire (AQ), Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (EPQ), and the Big Five Plus Two Inventory (BF+2). The applied scales and subscales point to a high reliability type of internal consistency (α > .70), which confirms the appropriate psychometric characteristics, as well as validity of instruments on the athletic population. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was performed, and with Varimax rotation, three dimensions with latent values of more than one were extracted, and they explain 60,41% of total variance. Results have shown that in the structure of the first component, factors of the second order (Psychoticism and Social desirability from the EPQ, Aggressiveness and Negative Valence from BF+2) significantly contribute to aggressive reactions. The second isolated component is saturated by personality constructs from the EPQ and BF+2 models, which can be interpreted as intrusiveness and domination. The composition of the third component – uncontrollable physical aggression – is maximally burdened by negative correlations of the dimensions Psychoticism and Social desirability from the EPQ, Conscientiousness (in a negative direction) and Negative Valence from BF+2, as well as Physical aggression from the AQ, Aggressiveness from BF+2, and Rage from AQ. In this study, theoretical and practical implications required for operationalization of these findings are discussed.

Key words: karate athletes, AQ, EPQ-R, BF+2

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