Aleksandra Milanović, Sanja Anđelković, Aleksandar Stojadinović

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Leadership is a complex activity in the education system that can best be described as a way of responding and adapting to the challenges faced by the entire education system. Our paper will emphasize the importance of the role of the teacher as a leader, who is increasingly shifting from a lecturer to a manager of learning and instruction. The goal of this paper is to present the teacher as a leader in the modern age. The research tasks are: 1. To present the types of leadership specific to teaching (transformational, transactional, and adaptable); 2.To identify teacher leadership strategies and competencies; 3. To discuss the impact of teacher leadership activities on student achievement. The reason for the research of the above-mentioned segments of leadership, in the field of teaching, lies in the fact that the education system is complex, flexible and open to change, and therefore in the near future we can expect a time when students will have the main role in organizing and realizing their own learning. A teacher who has the qualities of a good and efficient leader will be able to work effectively with these students.


leadership, teacher, types of leadership, student achievement

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUTLTE221115017M


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