Zvezdan Savić, Nikola Stojanović, Saša Vajić, Đorđe Savić

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This historical review aimed to demonstrate the contribution of Serbian officers to physical education in civilian schools by examining their historical ties. We explored mutual relationships and proved their relevance and contribution by using a theoretical and critical approach, which emphasized the importance of initiation of physical education in city schools, teaching staff, and exercise programs. Physical education was essential in the education and upbringing of the officer cadre. After independence, Serbia was able to modernize and prosper economically, politically, athletically, and academically. Officers made immeasurable contributions to martial arts, equestrian societies, and shooting groups. Many officers who graduated from the Military Academy abroad and in Serbia performed various teaching duties in civilian schools from 1815-1918, proving that the officers influenced the development of the armies in which they served and made a significant contribution to the mass spread of physical education (gymnastics and military skills) by training youth in civilian schools or sports clubs in the Principality of Serbia and the Kingdom of Serbia. The knowledge acquired in this historical review will undoubtedly shed more light on the officers' contribution and work in Serbian civilian schools in physical education.


physical education, civil schools, military officers, Principality of Serbia, Kingdom of Serbia

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUTLTE221213016S


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